Enough Instant Replay

“The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?” Proverbs‬ ‭20:24‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I was reading Proverbs 20 this morning and paused at this verse. As someone who has desperately sought to understand why events in my life have played out in certain ways, I had to wonder how much of that had been wasted mental and emotional energy.

I don’t think God expects us to stumble through life without reflecting on its twists and turns. But I do think He wants us to avoid breaking down every second in agonizing detail, like TV commentators analyzing the instant replay of a fumble at the goal line from 10 different angles. Every moment spent trying to understand the why of the past is a moment lost advancing the how of the present.

How do you maintain a healthy balance of attention paid to reflection (past) and action (present)?

Author: Leadership In Doubt

Just another struggling leader, husband, father, writer trying to find his voice and offer something to the world around me.

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